John McGraw

All dates and lots of pictures came from Mary McGraw Middleton.
She is tenacious.
She is the Indiana Jones of our hereditary history.

Click here for genealogical chart

Click here for McGraw Tree Family Documents

Dad, Uncle Frank and Uncle Tom
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I love this photo. Dad loved stale bread because he said his father worked at an A&P and brought home "day old". I believe this store was in Philadelphia. Check out the wood houses and the A&P logo.

Click photo for enlargement
Grandpa, John McGraw bottom left.


Click to read some newspaper clippings of Dad's impressive basketball career at Camden Catholic HighSchool


Far left: (looking inward) John Crain (or Crane but I think Crain)
Front row: (left) John Duffy (my dad)
Front and center: Dapper John McGraw
On your dad's left: Jack Anderson

So, basically, four "Johns"
All Camden Catholic boys 

Billy Dickinson was part of their circle but I don't see anyone who resembles him in this picture. 
Sue and I shared the experience of being the only daughters in Irish Catholic families surrounded by brothers.
Thanks again for the picture. This is a classic.
Memorial Day. Each of our dads lost a brother in WWII.
Truly a day to honor them.

Uncle Frank

Uncle Tom